I have a hard time being consistent with dental floss. My guess is that this is unlikely to
change. I try to exercise, watch my
diet, etc. but there is only so much self-discipline to go around, and, well,
flossing has never made it very high on the list.
A few years back I figured out that I could do lunges while
brushing my teeth with an electric toothbrush (I’m not coordinated enough to
pull this off with a normal one). That
was good while it lasted. Two minutes to
brush your teeth and a decent quad workout to boot. Now my electric toothbrush can’t charge here
in Kenya, so much for that.
My dental hygiene is suffering.
I have thought for a while that maybe I could motivate
myself by counting empty dental floss containers. Sort of milestones or “Monitoring and
Evaluation Metrics”. I could confidently
walk in to see the dental hygienist and coolly drop five or six empty
containers on the counter. “Yeah, that’s right… flossing like a pro.”
Well, that hasn’t worked out so well either.
I realized yesterday, that what I need is a Dental Floss
Fairy. You know, the Tooth Fairy
disappears for us after our baby teeth are gone. That is only 20 visits, if you remember them
What if I could put my empty floss
box under my pillow and be visited in my sleep by the Dental Floss Fairy? GENIUS!

But you know, a quarter under the pillow doesn’t do much for
you mid-life, so I needed something more substantial. What would really be worth emptying a box of
floss for? I need something akin to the
gifts of Galadriel… a luminary glass bulb that gives you brilliant ideas when
you are battling some impossible spider trying to suck the creative energy out
of you while you work on a grant proposal. Or
maybe some elvish rope that could keep you from hanging yourself in office
politics while deftly building substantial partnerships and collaborations.
Or maybe a strand of hair from her golden head…
So that would get me through the first two or three
containers. But then what? I think the
next iteration would likely be Mary Poppins… maybe a spoonful of sugar to help
the medicine of my next performance review go down or a
supercalifragilisticexpialidocious type presentation at the next big meeting. Or absolutely a Jolly Holiday with no
strained family relations or travel glitches.
Hey, maybe this could work.
Let me know if you think of something I could ask for to keep my dog
from napping with his rear end on my pillow.