Friday, April 18, 2014

Uncle Jack

My Uncle Jack died this past week.  He was 67 years old.  I found out as I arrived in Zimbabwe.  I’ve been thinking about Uncle Jack a lot this week.  There are two memories I have that really capture what he meant to me.
Uncle Jack was my biology teacher in 10th grade and the high school principal when I was in 11th and 12th.  For some reason, my most vivid memory of Uncle Jack was a very simple encounter from high school.  One day as I was walking down the main corridor of FHS toward the office and the main entrance, Uncle Jack caught me from behind, put his arm across my back and gripped my shoulder while we walked together down the hall.  I have no idea what we talked about; but I was a shy, insecure kid, and that simple act never left me.  I have a feeling that he had some idea he was sharing with me, or maybe he was just checking on how I was doing; but I like to think that we were conspiring together to do something wonderful.  Perhaps we are still carrying it out.

The last memory I have of Uncle Jack was from Josh and Marni’s wedding last September.  As always, he met me with a firm handshake and several questions about what I was doing.  He listened intently with his mouth partway open and his eyes focused on me as if I were the only person in the room telling him the most fascinating thing he had ever heard.  When I had finished, he leaned back slightly with that same expression and then the unforgettable smile reflexively took over his face and a slow shake of his head communicated his approval without words. 

Reflecting on Uncle Jack, I remember something I first realized upon the death of my college advisor and mentor several years ago.  There is no higher honor in life than the affirmation of someone you esteem highly.  My uncle had a way of bringing forward the best of my character and affirming the good.  I will always be grateful for him and will remember him with honor, respect and joy.

“Love believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.” I Corinthians 13:7

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